Monday, May 20, 2013

The Joys of Motherhood

Motherhood is a journey to be enjoyed and I am trying to learn this lesson every day.  Some days I have to laugh or I would cry.  Here are a few of those moments:

Clarissa is taking every book off the bookshelf for the tenth time of the day.  She seems to relish in making a mess.  Her expression shows her glee as she tosses the books out!  No amount of persuasion can deter her from her task at hand. 
Clarissa broke the cupboard safety lock for kids on our pantry door.  (Go figure!) So now it was free game to pull everything out.  She proceeded to empty the cupboard, spilling out about 10 pounds of sugar, mixed with other spices and grains.  I didn't say anything but left to go get a camera.  When I came around the corner, I think she thought I was going to be mad as expressed by the expression on her face.  Her face is priceless. I think she knew she did wrong as she had the broom out trying to sweep it up. 
I was doing laundry and I normally put the clean clothes on the bed to fold them.  Well Clarissa likes to climb on the bed and take all of the clothes and shove them behind the bed post.  It ended up that 90% of the clothes were behind the bed instead of on the bed.  She just laughed as I fished them out. 

Clarissa loves to climb on things.  She likes to get on the desk and run from side to side as fast as she can.  It about gives me a heart attack as I know it is just an accident waiting to happen.  I try to not let her get on the desk but she pushes the chair from another room to the desk and climbs on it. 
Motherhood isn't all crazy as these moments.  There are tender sweet moments that melt my heart.  I love seeing her interact with her cousins. 
She has also started to say a few words.  One of the few words she says is "Pa Pa" meaning Grandpa.  She really loves my dad.  This is a tender moment when we were going for a walk and she only wanted to hold Grandpa and Daddy's hand. 
She loves the park and the swing. 
This is the one and only time she has let me do her hair.  Normally she won't let me put anything in her hair and if by some miracle I get a bow in, she immediately pulls it out.  She looked so cute.  I wish she would let me do it more often.


  1. You probably have a better attitude about messes than I do. When they make messes, I say, "Get out the broom and sweep it up." Kira is the best cleaner of the group. Scott whines and acts like his arm is broken, and that's the reason he can't clean. I'm like, "You don't seem to have any problem playing with your electronics, so use your two hands and clean this up."

  2. This was such a cute post! I love her face when she spilled all the sugar and spices...and how cute that she already had the broom out! Brockton also loves to climb on things and run from side to side--esp the table. I just know one of these days the leaf will break and he'll go toppling down. What a darling little lady Clarissa is!

  3. Her "busted" face is PRICELESS!!!! My least favorite activity my children choose is pulling all the books, DVDs, CDs, etc. on the ground. But there ARE so many joys mixed in!!

  4. I laughed out loud as I read your post! Oh my, isn't Clarissa the cutest thing ever? You're right, she IS a busy little girl, but she's learning a lot about her world and her curiosity and energy is a good thing.. . most of the time.
    Sure love you and miss you!
